Lenten mission in Albia


ALBIA – “Re-Kindle the Fire of Your Catholic Faith,” a Monroe County Lenten mission hosted by St. Mary Parish, is March 22-25. Father Joseph Nassal, C.PP.S., will explore the message of Pope Francis in his “Gospel of Joy” and discuss how to live authentic Christian lives today.
Fr. Nassal will speak at these weekend Masses: March 22, 5:10 p.m. Mass followed by soup supper; March 23, 8 a.m. Mass followed by cinnamon rolls/coffee, 10:30 a.m. Mass followed by brunch.
The mission’s schedule also includes:
March 24:  9 a.m. Mass followed by coffee/donuts; 7 p.m. presentation by Fr. Nassal – social
March 25:  9 a.m. Mass followed by coffee/donuts; 7 p.m. presentation by Fr. Nassal – social
For babysitting, pre-register at (641) 932-5589. If you need a ride either evening, call (641) 932-5589 by 4 p.m.

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