Christians own guns


To the Editor:
As a Christian, and an NRA member, along with undoubtedly many others, I am offended by Frank Wessling’s editorial of Feb. 6.
I have sold and transferred hundreds of guns, every one of which was preceded by an FBI background check! This system will never work in the case of criminals because by definition, criminals will obtain their guns illegally!
Mr. Wessling sees guns only as “tools designed for deadly violence.”
Countless moral, principled, Christian people view the possession of guns as tools of protection and defense. This use was specifically protected since the framing of the constitution!  How could protecting your life, your families, or your brothers be viewed as “non– Christian”?
Also because of these moral people, and our constitution, the United States is less likely to suffer from a tyrannical government, jihad, genocide, or even an inquisition. We are blessed!
Myles Miller

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1 thought on “Christians own guns

  1. When Peter tried to defend his friend Jesus from unjust arrest, the apostle used a deadly weapon to attack the high priest’s servant. Jesus then admonished Peter: “Put your sword back into its sheath, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52)
    Substitute the word “gun” for “sword,” and you’ll see that our Savior’s teaching is far from the opinion of Myles Miller.

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