To the Editor:
On the Diocese of Davenport’s web page, the indication is that results of the (Vatican) survey will be used at “…the Extraordinary Synod called by Pope Francis to discuss this important issue. The Synod will convene in Rome in October 2014.”
On page 7 of the Nov. 14 issue of The Catholic Messenger, the “survey” is called what it really is, a questionnaire. Then comes the crushing blow, that “…the synod’s work will be based on Catholic doctrine and not on current public opinion….” So, why should anybody bother to provide their input? Apparently, Catholics who have been invited to respond to the questionnaire are considered the public and not laity of the Catholic Church and, as such, they don’t change Church doctrine and their input doesn’t count in the discussion.
It is also noted here “… that pastors were expected to provide summaries of the views and experiences of parishioners…” Really? Is that going to happen? Our pastor is far too busy for this activity, and it is further noted “… that their findings would be channeled in turn through national bishops’ conferences for ultimate consideration by the synod.” At this point, my confidence of anything from the questionnaire ever being seen by the synod — much less being used — is close to zero.
As such, the move by Pope Francis turns into just a propaganda ploy to mislead the laity. I see no reality here, just smoke and mirrors.
Ken Kashmarek
St. Ann Church, Long Grove