By Anne Marie Amacher
Respect life representatives and interested people from throughout the Diocese of Davenport are invited to a respect life information workshop Nov. 16. The first-time event will be held at St. Paul the Apostle Parish’s Denning Hall in Davenport from 9:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. with an optional Mass at 8:30 a.m. in the church.
Jeanne Wonio, volunteer respect life coordinator for the Diocese of Davenport, planned the event
because “many do not see what people in the diocese are doing for the pro-life cause. They don’t know what programs are available.”
Through the conference Wonio hopes to share information on what programs are currently offered and how they can be implemented in parishes. People will be available at the conference to answer questions. “We also hope to have a respect life diocesan commission come together from people who attend this workshop.”
The schedule:
8:30 a.m. — optional Mass
9:15-9:45 a.m. — check in, music, Chaplet of Divine Mercy
9:45 a.m. — welcome by Kent Ferris, director of social action and of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Davenport, and Loxi Hopkins, volunteer and director of the diocesan Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Catholic Relief Services.
General sessions:
10 a.m. — God’s Vision for Marriage: Genesis 1 and 2 by Father Corey Close, parochial vicar at Prince of Peace Parish in Clinton.
10:30 a.m. — Theology of the Body for Teens by Sandi Hansen of Holy Family Parish in Davenport.
11 a.m. — Natural Family Planning, birth control and breast cancer by Beth and Al Budelier of St. Paul the Apostle Parish and Julie Cutler of St. Paul’s, Genesis Health System and St. Ambrose University.
11:30 a.m. — Elizabeth Ministry memorial by Erin Darland and Annunciation Project by Rosie Megraw, both parishioners at St. Paul’s.
11:55 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. — lunch and commissioning
12:45-1:10 p.m. — John Paul II: On the Beauty and Dignity of Women by Fr. Close.
1:15-1:45 p.m. — breakout sessions to choose from: a) 40 Days for Life with Pat McCauley of St. Paul’s; b) fundraising by Ferris on selling honey, and Charlene Merritt from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Bettendorf on the Black and White Gala and poster contests; c) Human trafficking and Safe Haven by Nora Dvorak of St. Paul’s.
1:50-2:15 p.m. — Post-abortion ministry: Speaker to be determined.
2:15-close — Spreading the Word: communication with parishes by Delores Stack of Our Lady of Lourdes, and Implementing USCCB Respect Life Program table discussions with Linda McNeill of Bettendorf.
Cost for the event is $10. An optional lunch is available for $5 (or bring a sack lunch). Babysitting will be available with donations accepted.
Wonio hopes a program can be offered each year with a different focus depending on USCCB themes and information.
For more information on the conference, email Wonio at or call the social action office at (563) 324-1911.
To register include name, address, phone, email address, parish, parish town and fees. Please include the number of children for babysitting if needed. Make checks payable to Diocese of Davenport and mail to Jeanne Wonio, Diocesan Respect Life coordinator, 780 W. Central Park Ave., Davenport, IA 52804-1901. Registration is due Nov. 6.