How do you determine scandalizing the faithful?


To the Editor:
Ms. Eileen Heinold’s letter to the editor (Oct. 10, “Health care editorial was poorly reasoned”) finishes with the phrase, “scandalize the faithful.” The use of this old, tired and time-worn phrase seems to be the argument of last resort for those who cannot stand inquiry, debate or diverse opinion.
Just how do we determine what scandalizes the faithful? What does that even mean today? Has anyone polled that amorphous entity known as the faithful to determine if indeed it has been scandalized?
The Oxford American Dictionary defines “scandalize” as to offend moral feelings and sensibilities.
The Church issue that in recent times has most offended moral feelings and sensibilities has been the pedophilia issue and hierarchical cover up. I wonder if Ms. Heinold has written to describe that as scandalizing the faithful.
John Hayden

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