To the Editor:
What is it about us, that we have a voracious appetite for violence? We seek violence and love to be entertained by it. Marketers know this. It’s the business of supply and demand. We demand violence and marketers supply it.
Violence sells.
Here’s a short list of our demands for violence.
Violence on TV news and other programs
Violence in video games
Violence in contact sports
Violence in music lyrics
Violence perpetuated in the sale of children’s toys
Violence in sexual relationships
Violence in all media ads
Violence as adventure
Violence of voyeurism
Violence in recreational competition
Violence in the biographical sketches of psychopaths
Violence in war reenactments
Violence alluded to in program titles such as, “Cupcake Wars”
We who savor violence must be the result of “un-natural selection” in evolution because we couldn’t possibly be the result of a divine design!
As Walt Kelly’s cartoon character Pogo says, “We have met the enemy, and he/she is us.”
Annamarie Marcalus
Iowa City