Stewardship is nurtured by the Word of God


If we choose to live a life of stewardship, we must be rooted in the Word of God. It is in Scripture that we discover who God is and how God is moving in our lives. God’s Word works in us, even when we may not be aware of it.  It changes us when we are least aware of it.
We listen to Scripture being read to us each time we go to Mass. Some people read these readings before going to Mass. We often hear other words more loudly as we listen again and again to the words.
In families with children, parents could ask their children on the way home to tell them about the readings and also about Father’s homily. The children will listen more closely when this is done.  Or ask about the readings and the homily as part of your dinner conversation that night.
In addition to the readings at Mass, take time to read from the Bible every day. It may only be a verse or two. Remember that God works in your life when you least expect it.  Stewardship means living a conscious, committed life in Christ. Being rooted in the Word of God calls for a conscious decision. What conscious decision will you make today to be more rooted in the Word of God?
— Diocesan Stewardship Commission

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