Deacon profile


Name: Edwin D. Kamerick
Age: 61
Family: wife, Jane Kamerick; sons, David and his wife Lindsay and their son Carter; Justin and his children Catherine, Jonathan and Brodie; Aaron and his wife Marcia and their sons Samuel and Isaac; and daughter Melissa and her husband Mike Ballard and their children, Paul, Nathan and Sydney.
Occupation: Farming and Construction Company
Parish: St. Patrick, Melrose
How did you know you were being called to the diaconate?
Around 10 years ago I felt a calling to the diaconate. I talked it over with our parish priest and he advised me to pray and discern. The call is as strong today as it was so long ago. It’s been a wonderful journey.
What was most rewarding about being a deacon candidate?
I would like to say that it has been the formation and education that we have all received, but the most rewarding has been the new friends that I have found along the way.
What was most challenging about being a deacon candidate?
I think that the most challenging part of my candidacy was finding the time to accomplish all that needed to be done in the time that I had. All of us had jobs, family and other ministries besides class work. I believe that, with a little help from the Holy Spirit, we all did well.
What do you look most forward to in your ministry as a deacon?
Along with the duties of being a deacon, I believe that keeping in touch with all of my classmates will be the most rewarding and probably the most challenging part of my ministry.
What is your favorite Scripture passage?
James 2:18: “But some will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works I will show you my faith.”

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