DAVENPORT — The 15th annual St. Ambrose University Social Justice Conference, “The Cost of Social Exile: Race, Class and Mass Incarceration in the U.S.,” will take place Thursday, May 9, from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Rogalski Center. Presented by the SAU School of Social Work, the conference is intended for social workers, social service providers, attorneys, criminal justice personnel, clergy, health care professionals and all other interested parties, including the public.
Keynote speaker Judith Willison serves as an assistant professor in the Bridgewater State University School of Social Work, Bridgewater, Mass.
During the afternoon, master of social work candidates will present on a variety of current topics across all fields of practice.
The cost for the daylong conference is $35 and includes breakfast and lunch. The cost is $15 to attend the morning lecture only (includes breakfast). Continuing education units are available to Iowa and Illinois licensed social workers. Reservations are due May 2.
For more information, contact Christie Holdridge at (563) 333-3911 or HoldridgeChristinaL@sau.edu, or go to www.sau.edu/msw.