To the Editor:
Re: Volume 131 Number 9, 7 March 2013, Page 1: Forgiving the Catholic Church.
This presentation set me back a bit. How does one forgive the Catholic Church?
Since the Catholic Church is God’s representative here on Earth, can that be construed as forgiving God? I don’t understand this.
I would suspect that one of the violated individuals could forgive those that violate him, but forgiving the Catholic Church would be like implicating all of the members of the Catholic Church as offenders. Most certainly we are not all offenders in the clergy abuse issue. Most of us cry out for justice, but it seems not forthcoming.
And where is the side of the story from the offenders? Why do they not come out and seek forgiveness for their offenses? Why must only the offended proclaim forgiveness? Those bearing the guilt need to step forward as well or this will continue until the end.
Ken Kashmarek
St. Ann Church,
Long Grove