Sharing God’s Blessings: Catholic Foundation, capital campaign update


By Sister Laura Goedken, OP

Sr. Goedken

The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Davenport (CFDD) encourages, solicits, accepts and manages gifts in order to foster stewardship and distributes income so as to advance the priorities of the Diocese of Davenport and its entities according to Gospel values (mission statement).
The Catholic Foundation was established in February 2009 and all funds from the capital campaign, Moving Forward in Faith and Hope, continue to be put in this foundation.
Part of the case statement for our capital campaign was to help parishes with some of their immediate needs. Thus, 20 percent of parishioner payments are returned to the parishes.
Parishes will continue to receive checks twice a year until all pledges are paid.  Checks are sent to parishes each January and July. To date, these payments total $3,155,113. Checks were mailed to parishes on Jan. 31 totaling $397,899. A listing by parish with semi-annual payments can be found on the diocesan website,, under Chancery, then Development and then Catholic Foundation.

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