‘Just’ Soup series changes


By Anne Marie Amacher

DAVENPORT — Another helping of “Just” Soup is being served in St. Anthony Parish Center this Lent. There are date changes for two speakers.
Larry Duke of the parish’s adult faith formation committee said this year’s “Just” Soup 2 is “a second helping of soup and a second helping of social justice.”
After experiencing a successful first year of the program during Lent 2012, the committee decided talks on different areas of social justice would be offered by local speakers again.
The first session, by Father Brian Miclot, scheduled for Feb. 21 on “Peace Initiatives: Stories of Hope for Peace,” had to be postponed due to weather.
Father Apo Mpanda, pastor of St. Anthony Parish, will speak today, Feb. 28, on “Growing Up in the Congo: Reflections on Family Culture and More.” Fr. Mpanda will share his experience of growing up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, what it means for St. Anthony’s to have a sister parish there and how the two parishes connect.
“The Seamless Garment: Justice for All” will be presented March 14 by Loxi Hopkins. A volunteer in the Dio­cese of Davenport’s Social Action Department, Hopkins will explore concepts of justice beginning with the unborn child in the womb and continuing to natural death.
Sister Kathleen Storms, SSND, will give a talk March 21 titled “For God So Loved the Cosmos: A Christian Look at our Place in the Cosmos.”  Sr. Storms, director of Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Center near Wheatland, will address how care of the Earth fits into the Gospel mandate to act justly. She will talk about how Jesus was a masterful teacher who used earthly examples of God’s love and action. She will explore theological and practical ways of living in right relationship with Earth and all creation as a Gospel response.
Each evening of “Just” Soup 2 begins with a simple bowl of soup at 6 p.m. Talks continue until 7:30 p.m. Duke said the dinner is very simple so that people are aware that for some, this may be all they eat for a meal or two. No fruits or vegetables are served, just soup.
The events are free and open to the public. Registration is appreciated. Call (563) 322-3303.

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