ICC legislative priorities are road to ruin


To the Editor:
The editorial subject (11/8/12) on the decline of Christianity in Europe and the PEW study showing that the United States is following the European pattern of decline are alarming but not surprising.
After reading the Iowa Catholic Conference (ICC) legislative agenda article (11/8/12) it is apparent that the conference attendees need to read up on basic economics and the history of modern Europe.  Throughout the article are many wants, but no explanation of how the wants will be financed.  The ICC agenda is a one-way road to economic ruin for our country.
The committee should enlighten citizens on what it means by “living wage,” “full funding,” “expanding” welfare programs and providing various “entitlements” for illegal immigrants and weakening immigration laws.
Please define “family farm,” and why farmers are in need of support with the current prices of land, beans and corn, plus state and federal subsidies and tax credits.  If our political leaders follow the lead of the ICC legislative agenda, we are headed in the same pattern of decline as Europe.
John Freeland
Mount Pleasant

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