To the Editor:
It is delightful to see the interest in Centering Prayer as evidenced by the Letters to the Editor. May we add our thoughts, too?
Centering Prayer is a simple prayer practice which prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer. It is a method to access contemplation (prayer deeply rooted in our Christian tradition).
In the contemplative sense, prayer is not something you do, but instead is a relationship between you and the Divine Indwelling (Blessed Trinity).
To pray is to accept the invitation of God to turn my heart and mind inward and to realize that I am not separate from God. This understanding of prayer as a relationship with God is a primary foundation of the practice of Centering Prayer.
Father Thomas Keating writes in his book, “Open Mind, Open Heart,” “Contemplation is a fundamental part of our human nature and hence available to every human being. It is accessed by letting go of our own ideas about ourselves, turning our will over to God, and resting in the Divine Indwelling which is already present within us and waiting to reveal itself to us.”
Centering Prayer helps us to let go of thoughts, words and emotions and simply consent to God’s presence and action within. It is based on the Scripture (Matthew 6:6).
God permits the healing grace of the Holy Spirit leading to transformation which helps us discover God’s presence in nature, in our brothers and sisters and everywhere.
Our prayer is that all Christians may encounter Jesus and deepen their relationship with Christ. We have found this precious treasure in Centering Prayer.
Joan and Bob Timmons