To the Editor:
I am 83 years old and am responding to the letter by John Sandell in the Messenger Sept. 27. I do not know Mr. Sandell but I have known Frank Wessling for more than 40 years.
He is one of the finest truly Catholic men I have ever known. He was formerly the editor of the Messenger for many years, before Barb Arland-Fye. In his editorials Wessling is presenting to us the teachings of the Church and how they relate to what is going on in the world.
I am saddened when I hear people deriding the Catholic Church or its members as being “left-leaning,” “Communist” or “socialist.” What the Church teaches is concern for the poor, the helpless, refugees, immigrants and others. This is sound Scriptural teaching based on what Jesus taught.
Read your Bible; read the documents of Vatican II (available through any Catholic bookstore) or go to lectures or workshops which teach what the Church believes and has taught from the beginning.
After people are baptized Catholic as babies, they sometimes think that what they learned in catechism classes up to eighth grade is all they need to know. We need to educate ourselves as adults on what it means to be Catholic.
I worked with RCIA in my parish for 17 years up to 2005, helping adults to come into the Church. It is a lengthy process, learning what the Church teaches, and participants are free to drop out at any time. Over the years we only had one or two drop out, who could not relate to what was being offered.
The more we know the history of our Church and its teachings and how they come from what Jesus taught, the better Catholics we will be. The Messenger is a good resource for this lifelong learning.
Teresa Mottet