Employers improve lives


To the Editor:
I thought long and hard about writing this letter knowing I would end up appearing to be on the unholy end of the politically correct spectrum, but I felt a response to the article regarding Kim Bobo is needed.
I greatly respect those who devote themselves to the poor. However, I am uneasy with a couple of Bobo’s statements (Sept. 20, The Catholic Messenger).  First, the inflammatory comment about the exploiting pizza parlor may be true but I would feel better knowing what the pizza parlor was doing that would raise the offense to exploitation. How much would the exploited employee(s) be earning if they didn’t have this job until a better one comes along?
Second are the Wal-Mart comments. I am shocked that the recipient of a high award would promote flash mobs inside a business. I have worked Black Fridays and shopped them. Many of the people Bobo purports to champion are buying gifts for their children and grandchildren. You want to ruin this experience with a mob — how peaceful or safe is that?
In the interest of full disclosure, I am a retired Wal-Mart employee. I don’t have to worry about being fired or have any interest in currying favor; however, I can relate my experience. I went to work at Wal-Mart in 2003 at age 60. Wal-Mart hired me at a higher wage than many places I applied (not including benefits) and I felt that was commensurate with the skills required and working conditions. I was always treated with respect. That was the company policy and it was followed.
Millions of people you champion live better because of the lower prices they pay or competition created by Wal-Mart. Think $4 drug prices as one example. I’m not saying the company should get an award, but they should get some credit.
Mel Schefers
St. Mary Parish, Oskaloosa

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