Editorial was inaccurate


To the Editor:
I was amused and saddened by Frank Wessling’s editorial on Sept. 27 in The Catholic Messenger. I was amused at his liberal, knee-jerk reaction to blame the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on the amateur movie in the U.S. mocking Islam. Within a day it was reported by the C.I.A., the F.B.I. and several other quasi-military groups that the attacks were not spontaneous outbursts from the movie but well orchestrated military attacks that required planning and logistics.
I was saddened at Wessling’s historically inaccurate portrayal of our Catholic Church’s history. The Messenger is supposed to be a Catholic newspaper and shouldn’t be a forum for anti-Catholic propaganda. We don’t buy the newspaper to have our religion and our intelligence insulted.
Tony Humeston

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