Celebrating hunger relief

A sign promotes an ecumenical Foods Resource Bank effort in the Clinton area.

CLINTON – On Sunday, Oct. 7 at noon, the ninth annual Foods Resource Bank Harvest Celebration and hog roast will take place at Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 1105 Lametta Wynn Drive. The celebration includes Prince of Peace, Elvira Zion Lutheran and Clinton First United Methodist.
Attendees will begin with an inter-denominational prayer in thanks for the harvest. A potluck will be in the field near the church. Bring a dish to share; the roasted hog, drinks and table service will be provided.
Festivities will include old-fashioned hay rides, hand-shelling corn with an antique corn sheller, and rides on the combines. Farmers will talk about Foods Resource Bank and how it helps a village attain food sustainability.
This year the Clinton-area project is in the Dominican Republic. This project supports Haitian immigrants and their families living in former sugar cane work camps (Bateyes). It is helping refugees acquire skills to raise crops, manage their harvest and organize community seed banks.

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