To the Editor:
For all of my reading of The Messenger, I am generally disappointed by only one feature — the Messenger editorial that is written by Frank Wessling.
I do not know Mr. Wessling. What qualifies him to command such valuable space in your publication? Have you ever considered inviting someone else to submit an editorial?
Perhaps you could provide some balance to the opinions of the diocese, perhaps written by someone more moderate in their reasoning. I for one am tired of the editorial writer’s left-leaning observation on most issues.
It has come to the point that I no longer read the Messenger’s editorial — which is the first step in not reading other articles and columns in the publication.
I ask that you give the request some consideration.
John Sandell
Ss. John & Paul Parish
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I would be better able to evaluate Mr. Sandell’s criticism of Mr. Wessling’s work if he had provided some basis for the criticism. “Balance”,” left leaning” and “moderate?” are terms without unique definitions; they vary greatly from person to person. It would also be helpful if he contrasted Mr. Wessling’s work to others appearing the paper, such as Fr. Rolheiser, or the other priests, professors and lay correspondents, or Biblical passages such as
Isaiah 61:1-2 (Which Jesus used as his mission statement in the synagogue in Nazareth) or Matthew 25: 31-45. I detect some reflection of these in Mr. Wessling’s columns.