Students learn, serve at Solon Bible school

During Vacation Bible School at St. Mary Parish in Solon last month, sixth-graders displayed models of unborn babies at 12 weeks of development. Students wrapped the models for Johnson County Right to Life to use at a booth at the Johnson County Fair in late July.

SOLON — St. Mary Parish’s popular Vacation Bible School (VBS) had 185 students in kindergarten to sixth grade taking to the sky July 16-20. With resources from the program titled “SKY,” kids learned nothing is impossible for God — the sky’s the limit.
Each day, the 28 Flight Crews (small groups) rotated through Bible story, craft and game activity stations, learning they can always trust in God. While 30 adults led these activities, the glue holding participants together was the seventh- to 12th-grade volunteers. These 80 teens served as crew leaders or on support teams in the nursery, games and craft room.
Throughout the week, kids raised funds for this summer’s VBS service project: packaging 6,000 meals for Kids Against Hunger. In addition to leading ministries at the VBS Mass, sixth-graders wrapped 1,000 baby models for Johnson County Right to Life, and planned and led an activity at a nursing home. They also participated in a scavenger hunt around Solon to hear from local leaders about the Habitat for Humanity House, food pantry, Senior Dining program and Solon Beef Days fundraising.
Long after the week has ended, parishioners hope the songs of VBS resound in students’ hearts: “Up, up and away we go, into the great beyond. Wherever we go and whatever we do, we’re trusting in God all along.”

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