Jesus speaks to YOU


To the Editor:
When you hear the Gospel read at Sunday Mass do you feel Jesus is speaking to YOU?
This Sunday celebrates the Birth of St. John the Baptist. The Gospel relates, “The child grew and became strong in spirit.”
Reading the Gospel before Mass, you might ask, “Am I becoming strong in the Spirit?” “What decisions am I facing?” “Do I discuss my questions with my spouse or parents and ask their opinions?” “Do I pray to the Spirit and make the best decision?”
Then when you hear the Gospel at Sunday Mass that John “became strong in spirit,” you will share with him in your own life becoming strong in the Spirit.
Regularly read the following week’s Sunday Gospel on Monday or Tuesday evening. Reflect on the words and actions of Jesus. Ask yourself, “What is Jesus saying to me?” Be open to his suggestions. Reflecting on Jesus’ teachings and his life can help you become more like Jesus in your daily life.
To encourage you to begin reading next Sunday’s Gospel early in the week, I will send you, free, a copy of the New Testament.
Send your name, address and telephone number to: Rev. Joseph Rogers, St. Vincent Center, 780 W. Central Park Ave., Davenport, Iowa, 52804-1901. Phone: (563) 323-1156.
A list of Sunday Gospels and questions you can ask yourself will be included. In time, you will develop your own personal questions.
Reflections on Sunday’s Gospel are printed in The Catholic Messenger. Also, the Sunday Gospel readings are found in the missalette in your church.
Before Sunday Mass, turn to next Sunday’s Gospel and copy the Gospel references which you will find in your New Testament.
Reflect on next Sunday’s Gospel. Ask yourself: “What is Jesus saying to me?” Jesus will speak to you. You will become a closer friend to Jesus.
Father Joseph Rogers

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