Upcoming events


Davenport — On Tuesday, April 17, at 7 p.m., Timothy Luke Johnson will give this year’s St. Ambrose University Catholic Studies lecture, “How is the Bible True? Let Me Count the Ways.” The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Rogalski Center, located at the corner of Ripley and Lombard Streets. A reception will follow.
Iowa City – B.P. Waterbury of Iowa City will be the keynote speaker for the Journeys in Faith Speaker’s Forum on Thursday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m. at the Newman Catholic Student Center, 104 E. Jefferson St.  He will address the topic:  “To Jesus Through Mary:  One Decade at a Time,” in which he traces his faith journey.  The talk is free and all are welcome.
Davenport – Divine Mercy Sunday will be celebrated April 15 from 2-4 p.m. at Our Lady of Victory Parish in Davenport. Singing of the chaplet begins at 3 p.m. Other parts of the celebration include music, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers and confession.
Davenport – A healing Mass will be celebrated Friday, April 20 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Confessions start at 6 p.m.; praise music starts at 6:40 p.m., and Mass starts at 7:15 p.m. All are welcome.
Fort Madison – The Feast of The Divine Mercy will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Church, 23rd Street and Ave. I, April 15. The sacrament of reconciliation will begin at 2 p.m. and continue through The Divine Mercy Holy Hour, which begins at 3 p.m., the hour of great mercy. Mass will be celebrated at 4 p.m.
Hills – A healing Mass with Msgr. Marvin Mottet, Father William Kneemiller and Father Troy Richmond will be celebrated Friday, April 13, at St. Joseph Church. Confessions start at 6 p.m., and Mass at 7 p.m. All are welcome. The May Mass will be May 4.
Iowa City — The Diocese of Davenport’s Justice and Peace Advocacy team will meet Wednesday, April 25, at 5:30 p.m. at St. Patrick Church. All are welcome.
Sioux City — Delegates from Iowa Knights of Columbus councils will meet April 13-15 at the Sioux City Convention Center. During the meetings they will recognize achievements in service programs for church, community, family and youth. Deliberations on future direction and elections are planned. While meetings are open to members only, the public is welcome to view displays in the Convention Atrium.
Wheatland – Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat invites people to the following events: April 17 is “Easter Come to the Quiet,” 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The day is participants’ to shape after a brief introduction into being resurrection people. Fee is $20. April 22 is “New Life for The Prairie” from 2–4:30 p.m. A celebration on Earth Day welcomes Prairie Director Kath­leen Storms, SSND, plus new staff and advisory committee members. Activities will include a presentation, refreshments, music, a walk and planting of flowers. No fee. “Plant and Picnic at The Prairie” is Monday, April 30, from 4–8 p.m. People may come for an hour or two to weed, prepare for mulching or plant annuals. Tools, plants and picnic will be provided. There is no fee. To register for either event, call (563) 336-8414 or email olpretreat@gmail.com.
Coralville —  Informed Choice of Iowa is sponsoring  the pro-life movie “October Baby”  at the Coral Ridge Mall theater beginning April 13. To buy tickets, call (319) 337-0575 or e-mail rachel@informedchoicesclinic.com.
Davenport – A spaghetti dinner will take place Sunday, April 15, from 3-6 p.m. at the Rogalski Center ballroom at St. Ambrose University. Cost is $5 for one ticket or $9 for two tickets. Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity home sponsorship.
Davenport — Run for Renewal, a fundraising event for Project Renewal, will be held Saturday, April 21, at Sr. Concetta Park at the intersection of Sixth and Warren streets. The half-mile Kid’s Treat House Trot starts at 8:30 a.m. and is free for children ages 9 and younger. The 5K run/walk starts at 9 a.m. Cost is $20. For more information, call Project Renewal at (563) 324-0800, or visit www.projectrenewal.net.
Iowa City – St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council 842 will host a pancake breakfast Sunday, April 15, from 8 a.m. to noon at the KC Family Center, 4776 American Legion Road. The breakfast will feature pancakes, sausage, coffee, milk or juice. Admission is a freewill offering or prepaid ticket.
Iowa City – The Informed Choices of Iowa City Medical Clinic “Walk for Life” is on May 5. Walk locations are at City Park, Iowa City; Kent Park, Oxford; and Lake Macbride State Park, Solon. The 2-mile walk starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 10 a.m. For more information, call (319) 337-0575.
Mechanicsville – St. Mary Church will host a lunch at noon and an auction of baked goods, quilts and other parishioners’ donations at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 22.
Mount Pleasant — St. Alphonsus Parish will have its monthly community card party on Tuesday, April 17, from 1-4 p.m. People are welcome to bring friends.
Toronto – St. James  Parish is holding a community breakfast at the Toronto Fire Station from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 15. Cost is $8 for adults, $4 for children 12 and younger and free for preschoolers.
Wilton – St. Mary Parish’s spring ham and turkey dinner will take place at the parish hall Sunday, April 22, from noon to 3 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-12 and free for children 4 and younger. Carryouts will be available. There will be a country store with crafts, grab bags and homemade goods.

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