To the Editor:
I am writing in regards to the March 16 opinion, “Natural methods of birth control have downsides” by Teresa Mottet. Her article responded to Father Bill Kneemiller’s March 1 guest opinion “Humanae Vitae affirms sacredness of human life.” Both articles were informative and thought-provoking!
Fr. Kneemiller explained very well Pope Paul VI’s “Humanae Vitae” and why it remains important today. I would also like to praise Ms. Mottet’s marriage commitment to her late husband for 61 years without using artificial birth control. I relate to her comments regarding the use of NFP and experiencing libido during the menstrual cycle. The greatest pleasure is during the “fertile time” when one can become pregnant. At the same time, one can enjoy the “non-fertile time” when it’s still quite pleasurable. It seems in our culture we want the best, the ultimate, the most profound.
When that doesn’t happen, we de-value what is still good. NFP is quite beneficial as it is very effective in both achieving and preventing pregnancy. It also promotes good communication and respect for God’s natural plan. Other birth-control methods cost money, are not 100 percent effective, and can have long-term health effects. It seems the downsides of artificial birth control outweigh the downsides of NFP.
We were able to show small signs of affection in many ways without the “physical act” when we mutually knew and respected our limits. Regarding a priest’s perspective, I believe priests are aware of the basic dynamics of a loving marriage — proper communication, respect and love for one another. This builds the foundation for every other aspect of marriage under God’s plan.
I recommend visiting the U.S. bishops’ website (, Issues and Action link, Marriage and Family) to read about how NFP has enhanced relationships for married couples in various circumstances.
Respectfully in Christ,
Cathy Soukup
Cedar Rapids