No law forces Catholics to accept contraception


To the Editor:
The recent outrage over the contraception issue has me perplexed. Contrary to popular perception, in my opinion, no law has been passed or proposed that would force any Catholic to accept contraception, or to pay for the contraceptives of another. Individuals or insurers would still be responsible for the cost.  We would still have the right to follow our religion, and to proclaim the truth to others. To the extent that President Obama’s proposal would have required church-run hospitals to offer contraceptives to Catholics, I would like to think that Catholics are strong enough in our faith to decline any such offer. What do we have left?  Patients or patrons of those facilities (presumably non-Catholic) who believe in contraception and being able to obtain contraception.  In other words, they, too, would be left to follow their own consciences. Such a situation does not, in my opinion, constitute an attack on the beliefs of the Church. The Catholic Church never had the right to force anyone to reject contraception.
On a related note, The Catholic Messenger should revisit a reputable manual of style before mentioning the president again. The proper address for the president of the United States of America is “Mr. President,” “President Obama,” or “Mr. Obama.”  Simply referring to him as “Obama” gave the appearance disrespect. I would like to think that was not the intention.
Khara Washington

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