Pray for life


One might be aware of various places on earth today where Mary or Jesus appears and gives messages for today. One might also be aware of various web sites that claim to give messages from Jesus and/or Mary. While the sites are left to the individual for discernment, I do believe the basic belief is to be aware of the good fruits that may be produced from the sites.

One of the sites I visit seeks to combat abortion. Now, abortion will not be changed if laws are changed. This does not mean we should have a law accepting it. The real and only way that the sin of abortion will truly change is in the heart of each individual. As Catholics, we should know why abortion is totally wrong. We should be convinced in our hearts that it is totally wrong. Unfortunately we are not, and many Catholics openly support abortion.

The creators of the site I visit believe Jesus and Mary have requested an Army of Prayer. And this Army is very basic to join. You are strongly requested to say one rosary a day for life. Jesus and Mary strongly urge this to happen and to make it known. Pray from the heart and let us start to move the mountain of the acceptance of abortion.

God bless you all. Remember, pray at 8 p.m. a short prayer for our country and a rosary on Sunday and now every day for life! What an excellent New Year’s resolution! Remember St. Paul: “Pray unceasingly.”


William Grothus


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