Thanks to recruiter for prison ministry


Regarding the article on prison ministry in the Oct. 20 issue of The Catholic Messenger: I stated that I and two other members of our congregation were conducting Communion services at the prison.

Those two fellow parishioners are Ron Trueblood and Bill Tyrrell.  Ron has recently completed the “volunteer” training at the prison and shortly thereafter began his prison ministry of providing Communion service for the inmates once a month.

Mr. Tyrrell, along with Father Joseph Phung, our pastor at St. Alphonsus Parish in Mount Pleasant, actually started the ministry over two years ago. Mr. Tyrrell was trying to meet a weekly schedule of Communion services for the inmates while building his own business.

Mr. Trueblood and I owe Mr. Tyrrell a sincere thank you for recruiting both Ron and myself into this fulfilling ministry.  


Ted Mountz

St. Alphonus Parish, Mount Pleasant

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