Parishes in the Diocese of Davenport and across the U.S. will implement the third edition of the Roman Missal during Masses this weekend, Nov. 26-27.
What adds up to only a few dozen different words for the congregation begins with the response to the priest’s greeting and continues through the text of the whole Mass. The changes in what the priest says during Mass are more significant, with new wording throughout the standard parts of the Mass and in each of the four eucharistic prayers.
The new Roman Missal provides a great opportunity for each diocese, parish and individual Catholics to grow in their love for — and knowledge of — the liturgy, says Deacon Frank Agnoli, director of Liturgy for the Diocese of Davenport.
The Catholic Messenger published two series by Deacon Agnoli on the new Roman Missal. You can view his articles on the diocesan website at www.davenportdiocese.org.