Diocese of Davenport 2011 Financial Audit


Every board and committee member of the various entities in the Diocese of Davenport contribute many hours of donated time to the Church. The Diocesan corporate board and diocesan finance council members have taken on the added responsibilities of helping direct the diocese during the challenges of this past decade. These members have shared their legal and financial expertise along with their spiritual concerns for the people who make up the Church of Southeast Iowa. The clergy, employees and volunteers of the chancery and the parishes appreciate the witness of these members in sharing their time and commitment. Canon law states these members should be experts in financial affairs and civil law and of outstanding integrity. The board and council members have lived up to this mandate.

Members of the board of directors from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011, included: Bishop Martin Amos president and chairman of the board; Msgr. John Hyland, vicar general/moderator of the curia and vice president; Father George McDaniel, chancellor and director; Timothy McMahon, JD, secretary.; M. Anne McAtee, JD, treasurer.

The finance council as of June 30 included the board of directors and Char Maaske, CPA, chief financial officer for the diocese; Joel Dieckmann, CPA; Terrence Kilburg, CPA; Michael Poster, CPA; Roger Reilly; Jennifer Walker.

Link to a PDF version of the the Report is Below.


Diocese Audit http://www.catholicmessenger.org/content/current/displayads/diocese11final.pdf

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