Parish plans are important tools for future


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Three years ago I appointed a Diocesan Planning Commission as an advisory group as we embarked on the development of a strategic plan for the future of the diocese in the next decade.

The commission presented the grassroots plans from all the local area planning groups to me on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2011, at a joint meeting of the Diocesan Pastoral Council and Presbyteral Council. The plans included collaborative work done by the commission, clergy, lay leadership and laity. The amount of prayerful and serious effort that went into the diocesan planning is impressive, and I thank everyone who has worked on this process.  

The plans will be important tools for the Priests’ Personnel Board as they recommend the placement of priests in the future. They will be helpful to parishes as they plan for their future as well and for the placement of deacons as a new class is ordained.  


Which plans will be used first is not yet known.  When we look at priests retiring, dying or moving to new assignments the needs of our parishes must be looked at, and personnel will be put where they can best meet needs.

These plans do not need to wait for “something to happen” before parts of them are put into place.  It will be important for the clergy, parish leadership and laity to renew these plans regularly. We must continue to work collaboratively.  I encourage all of us to start this as soon as possible.

We are all called to be disciples by our baptism.  Some are called to leadership as both ordained and lay ministers. Let us pray for one another, for our diocese and for our many faith-filled leaders.

Again, a sincere thank you for all your efforts.

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. Martin Amos

Bishop of Davenport

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