If you love black walnuts, you’ll be glad I’m not God. If I were, they would have never made it onto the ark. I can’t stand them.
Every year at this time, I tread extra carefully when I go outside. Black walnuts have been falling right onto our deck. I’m always looking out so I don’t slip on one and break a hip. I never was a big fan of them, as they stain the hands and are very hard to open and not all that good anyway. In my humble opinion.
Others do cherish them. They look forward to picking out the nutmeats on long winter nights, making fudge and sweet breads, doling out a few walnuts at a time. The ISU Extension reports that they sell for up to $14 a pound. So one person’s treasure is, well, one person’s treasure? Even black walnuts?
Hmmmmm. I wonder what other ordinary looking objects, plants and people are worth much more than I realize, in my martha-centric view of life? Maybe I should be a little more open-minded? Does that mean I need to give black walnuts and aggravating acquaintances another try?
God, help me be open to all the people and creation which you have made. Help me to try to appreciate them, even if they stain my hands and challenge my heart.
Martha Popson Blog