Pray that country will return to God


If one is aware of the things going on in society today, one should be very concerned as to the future of this country and of many souls. I do not think I have to elaborate on grievous examples.

The problem now is how to correct this and get the country back to God. The Old Testament reading in the Mass today exemplifies that one should not grieve God, (Numbers Ch. 13 and 14). The Israelites did grieve God and thus spent 40 more years in the desert. Those that grieved God died in the desert.

I wish not to grieve God and I hope you do, too. To repent and ask for God’s protection, one must pray and pray from the heart. Recently, there have been two requests for prayer for this end on the Internet. The first is to stop at 8 p.m., CST, every day and pray for this country. The second request is to say a rosary every Sunday between the hours of noon and 3 p.m. I additionally suggest that if you conclude the rosary about 3 p.m. that you continue and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. There are lots of other things one can do, but the two efforts listed above are efforts on behalf of the country.

Did you know that in some churches at the end of Mass the Prayer to St. Michael was recited? We do not do that any more but I heard it was quite a tradition.


If we, as a country, do not get back to God, I believe God will grieve more. He is showing his unhappiness at present if one has the eyes to see.

William Grothus


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