Groups can find help applying for CCHD grants to address poverty


National Catholic Rural Life Conference is working with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) to increase the number of successful CCHD grant applications from rural communities to address poverty.

CCHD was created 40 years ago by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide funding to groups of low-income people who are empowered to address the causes of poverty in their communities. CCHD has provided nearly 8,000 grants to community groups that seek justice and create lasting change for people in poverty.

Do you have a grant idea? NCRLC provides education and consulting to rural organizations interested in applying for CCHD grant funds and can assist throughout the application process:

• Talk through a grant concept


• Understand the CCHD grant timelines and requirements

• Answer questions throughout the application process 

Visit for more resources. The website features CCHD grant guidelines, success stories, grant writing resources, links to CCHD application guides, webinars and more.

To get started or refer a rural community organization, contact James Ennis, executive director, at (515) 270-2634, ext. 15, or Beth Hyser, development coordinator, at (651) 962-5955,

All grant requests must be postmarked by Sept. 30. The application process for the Diocese of Davenport can be found at

For more information, contact the diocese’s CCHD director, Loxi Hopkins at (563) 324-1911 or

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