Rice Bowl grants go to 10 groups to fight hunger, poverty

Mike Rockstroh, left, a student at All Saints Catholic School in Davenport, listens to a student read during a volunteer trip to Project Renewal in Davenport last year. Project Renewal is among organizations that have been awarded Operation Rice Bowl grants.

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development/Catholic Relief Services Board of Directors for the Diocese of Davenport met on June 23 at St. Patrick Church in Iowa City to review grant requests for the 25 percent local share of the CCHD and Operation Rice Bowl collections.

These funds stay within the diocese to support local non-profit organizations that work toward long term change for justice (CCHD) or provide direct assistance to fight hunger and poverty (Operation Rice Bowl).

A total of $51,374 was collected in the 2011 Operation Rice Bowl Lenten campaign. The following organizations received grants:

• Café on Vine, Davenport, $1,000 to support meal site.   


• Friendly House, Davenport, $1,500 to support Christmas basket program for low-income individuals and families.

• Information, Referral & Assistance Services, Clinton, $1,500 to purchase food for two pantries in the Clinton area.

• Project Renewal, Davenport, $1,500 to purchase healthy snacks for youth programs.

• Sacred Heart Catholic Community, Newton, $1,800 start-up funding for monthly meal site.

• St. Mary Parish, Centerville, $750 to feed adults who accompany their children to a free lunch program during the summer.

• St. Thomas More Social Action Commission, Coralville, $500 to help fund a monthly meal prepared by parishioners at the Salvation Army.

• The Helping Hands Food Pantry, Knoxville, $2,000 to fund the operation of the food pantry and transitional housing.

• Victory Center Ministries, Clinton, $1,500 to purchase food for meal site.

• Loaves and Fishes, Muscatine, $700 for purchase of food and supplies for weekly meal site.

The CCHD Board did not receive any grant requests that met CCHD criteria, so no grants were distributed. CCHD will be accepting grant requests to review at its October board meeting. Application deadline and guidelines will be provided later at www.davenportdiocese.org. For more information, call the diocesan social action office at (563) 324-1911.

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