DAVENPORT — The presentation “Japanese American Internment in World War II: Let it NOT Happen Again” will take place April 4 in the Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose University. Exhibit viewing and refreshments are from 4-5 pm, and the program is from 5-7 p.m.
The event will explain the implications for the United States today as the nation struggles with issues of national security and civil liberties.
Bill Yoshino of Chicago will examine the Japanese American Internment as a unique historic event. Chiye Tomihiro will share her experiences as a teenager interned in a camp. Bob Nakamaru, a Quad Cities educator, will speak of the experiences his parents and grandparents had in the internment camps.
This program is offered at no cost thanks to Riverboat Development Authority, the Community Foundation of the Great River Bend, and the Doris and Victor Day Foundation. Sponsors are St. Ambrose University and the Nidoto Nai Yoni Committee. Pre-registration is not necessary. For more information, call (309) 793-1300.