CLINTON — The fifth annual Peru Benefit Dinner hosted by Prince of Peace Parish, Clinton, will be held Saturday evening, Feb. 26, at Rastrelli’s Restaurant, 238 Main Ave., Clinton. The event will feature a presentation by Sister Ruth Snyder, a Franciscan missionary who served 21 years in Peru including a full year in the city of Sapillica.
The event will begin at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. Both before and after the dinner, patrons will be able to purchase handmade crafts from the Diocese of Chulucanas, Peru, where Sapillica is located.
Sapillica is the city in northern Peru that is home to the parish of La Virgen Pura y Limpia, sister parish of Prince of Peace. For more than six years, the Clinton parish has aided the Peruvian church, primarily with monetary donations, but also by joining in annual celebrations and by sending two pilgrimage groups to visit their sister city. The Peruvian parish is celebrating its sixth anniversary this month.
Sr. Snyder, a native of Austin, Minn., is a member of the Rochester Franciscan Sisters. Since returning from Peru to the United States, she has served as Hispanic minister at Queen of Angels Parish in Austin, Minn., where she spends most of her time in one-on-one ministry with Spanish-speaking immigrants.
Having lived in Chulucanas, she also is very familiar with the education project operated by Mercy Sisters there that produces the hand-crafted items that will be for sale at the benefit dinner. The project, called CEO Betania, trains women in sewing, baking and computer skills to enable them to find good jobs.
Since establishing its sister parish relationship with the Peruvian parish, Prince of Peace has provided funding for a resident priest and deacon in addition to sending money to assist parishioners with health care costs. Renovating the parish house so a priest could live in Sapillica was Prince of Peace’s first undertaking. The Clinton parish also assisted with replacing the roof on the Peruvian parish church.
Saturday’s annual dinner will include entertainment by Prince of Peace music ministers Andy Tadlock, Wendy Weig and Chuck Soenksen.
The public is invited to join in the celebration. Tickets are available at Prince of Peace Church, 1105 LaMetta Wynn Drive, by calling the parish at (563) 242-3311, after all the weekend Masses or from Peru Task Force members. The adult menu, with choice of steak, Orange Roughy or vegetarian pasta plus salad, potatoes, vegetables, dessert and beverages, is $20. The children’s menu of chicken strips and French fries is $10.