By Anne Marie Amacher
“Catholic Schools A+ — For America” is the theme for this year’s Catholic Schools Week Jan. 30 through Feb. 5. In the Davenport Diocese, parishes that support Catholic schools will begin the week with Mass. In addition, here are highlights of activities diocesan schools submitted to The Catholic Messenger:
Lourdes Catholic School will celebrate with two weeks of activities. On Jan. 24, Bettendorf Mayor Michael Freemire read a proclamation for Catholic Schools Week and was present for a flag ceremony. Throughout the two-week celebration students will collect pet food for the Quad City Animal Welfare Center. A rosary for peace will be held Jan. 27. Father Marty Goetz, diocesan director of vocations, will visit kindergarten through second-grade classrooms and then talk at the church with students in third through eighth grade about eucharistic adoration.
An ongoing drive to collect items for Support Our Families and Troops (SOFT) will continue through Catholic Schools Week at Notre Dame Catholic Schools. The items that service men and women requested will be sent to those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Middle school and high school students will play games with their elementary buddies Jan. 31. Students will have the opportunity to go bowling Feb. 2. Thank-you notes will be written throughout the week to various individuals, including the cooks and custodians at the school. On Feb. 3 students can pay $1 to wear a hat for the day. Proceeds from “Hats for Haiti” will go to the Haiti relief fund. Students’ families will sponsor a staff luncheon Feb. 4.
• All Saints Catholic school will host local author Jill Esbaum on Feb. 1. Math games will be played Feb. 2. Junior high students will display their science fair projects Feb. 3.
• A Boy Scout pancake breakfast kicks off the week for St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School on Jan. 30 from 7:30 a.m. to noon in the parish hall. A book fair, open house and Mass round out the day.
Bingo with the principal will be held at the end of each school day. Students will make and serve a meal at Café on Vine Feb. 1. A dodge ball tournament that afternoon will raise money to supply and serve a meal at the café for the hungry. On Feb. 3 a talent show will take place.
John F. Kennedy Catholic School will have an open house and spaghetti dinner from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Jan. 29. The eighth grade also will hold a chocolate rose sale. Talent shows will be held Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. Students may bring an adult to lunch Feb. 2. An all-school Mass celebrating the Feast of St. Blaise, with individual blessings of the throat, will be Feb. 3 in Our Lady of Victory Church. A JFK alumni Mass will also be celebrated. A dodge ball tournament will be held to raise funds to serve a meal at Café on Vine.
The mayor of DeWitt, Donald Thiltgen, is expected to read and sign a proclamation for Catholic Schools Week at St. Joseph Catholic School on Jan. 31. It will be followed by a prayer service led by Father Paul Connolly, pastor of St. Joseph Parish, and Sister Theresa Ann Spitz, pastoral associate. Other activities include an all-school paint ball tournament and walking to the movie theater as a group after dropping off canned goods at a referral center. Students also will have a grandparents day Mass and luncheon.
Fort Madison/St. Paul/West Point
Holy Trinity Elementary students in West Point will write thank-you notes to parents, priests and school board members. A “family fare” of muffins and donuts will follow after Mass. Teachers and staff will enjoy a lunch provided by TAPS. Parent volunteers will supervise the classrooms during that time. Holy Trinity Junior/Senior High School will thank parents and individuals during half-time at the girls’ basketball game Feb. 1. TAPS will host a luncheon at McAleer Hall in Fort Madison to honor teachers. The Fort Madison Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors will visit the school Feb. 4.
Iowa City
Regina Elementary starts its celebration with a Family Fun Movie Night on Jan. 29 at 5:30 p.m. The Home and School Association is sponsoring the event. Students will complete a service project Feb. 3 by making placemats for the Salvation Army to use for meals for the homeless. A talent show will be held the morning of Feb. 4 and a volleyball game between sixth-graders and staff will be held that afternoon.
Mayor Tom Marion declared Jan. 30-Feb. 5 Catholic Schools Week in Keokuk. Keokuk Catholic Schools will celebrate the week with patriotic songs in the gym Jan. 31 and receive a presentation on flag etiquette. On Feb. 1 students will present donations of pet supplies to Jean Meyer of Friends of Keokuk Animal Services. Students also will make and display posters on being kind to animals. Grandparents and volunteers day is Feb. 4; they are invited to Mass, a rally and refreshments in the cafeteria.
Seton Catholic School students will create a paper prayer chain listing special intentions and pray each day for those intentions. The Humane Society will benefit from items collected by students — showing respect for all of God’s creation. Fourth and fifth-graders will provide entertainment at a local nursing home on Friday. Students will be treated to pizza for lunch that day.