By Andy Snawerdt
Walking into the rectory of St. Peter Parish in Buffalo on the morning of Dec. 4, one’s nose was filled with the sweet sensation of freshly baked cookies and warm apple cider. In “Santa’s” room, kids were telling Santa what they want for Christmas.
“What is your name,” asks Santa. “My name is Antone,” says the little boy. “Andy, what would you like for Christmas?” asks Santa. “I would like a Mario game and a new hamster for Webkins,” replies Antone. In the cookie room, children and adults of all ages enjoyed choosing from a wide selection of homemade cookies: sugar cookies shaped like snowmen, Santa and elves, peanut butter blossoms, fudge and more.
Large containers cost $8, whereas small ones cost $5. All funds raised support the parish’s Altar & Rosary Society.
The cookie walk was busy, but people took time to talk with one another. When the morning of selling cookies drew near its end, the leftover cookies were packed up to be sold at church the next day or given away to the senior center. Volunteers and shoppers warmed the cold, wintry day with sweets, Santa and the spirit of Christmas.
(Snawerdt is sophomore at Davenport West High School and member of St. Peter Parish in Buffalo.)