CLINTON — The Sisters of St. Francis invite the public to join them at Vespers — evening prayer — on each of the Sundays of Advent beginning at 6 p.m. in the chapel of The Canticle, their home in Clinton.
“Advent Vespers has become a wonderful pre-Christmas tradition,” said Sister Joan Theiss, OSF. She is coordinating the four prayer services, the first of which will be Sunday evening, Nov. 28.
“On that First Sunday of Advent, and continuing on Dec. 5, 12 and 19, we invite our neighbors and friends to join us in song, in reflecting on the Scripture readings of the Advent season, and in praying together for the blessing of Christmas-time.”
“Solemn Vespers, or evening prayer, is an ancient tradition,” she explained. “It is a time to look back on the day just passed with all its saving graces and pray in thanksgiving.”
Vespers is one of the set of daily prayers known as the Liturgy of the Hours, which also includes the morning prayers (Matins and Lauds), the daytime prayers (Terce, Sext, None), and the night prayers (Vespers and Compline).
For more information, call (563) 242-7611. Advent Vespers last about 45 minutes. Parking is available in front of The Canticle. Directions to The Canticle are online at