Service board ‘committed’ to helping Kahl Home

Pat Bushur places a price tag on a piece of clothing at Cinderella’s Cellar in Davenport. The Catholic Service Board, which operates the resale shop, uses the money raised to support projects and activities at The Kahl Home for the Aged and Infirm.

By Anne Marie Amacher

DAVENPORT — Members of the Catholic Service Board use their time and talents to run a resale shop to raise money for projects and activities at a local nursing home.

Barbara Herter of the Catholic Service Board’s publicity committee said the group began as an auxiliary of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Davenport. Its purpose was to visit the elderly and homebound. They also shuttled children from the St. Vincent Center to doctor and dental appointments, she said.

Because of some funding restrictions concerning Catholic Charities, the auxiliary separated and formed Catholic Service Board in 1950. It continued to serve the elderly and homebound, and began to support The Kahl Home for the Aged and Infirm after it opened in 1955.

Today Catholic Service Board operates and staffs the resale shop Cinderella’s Cellar. Proceeds from sales are donated to the Kahl Home. Some of the items that have been purchased over the years to benefit the Kahl Home include lift chairs, china for special luncheons, medical equipment and other furnishings. But the Catholic Service Board doesn’t stop there. Members continue to donate their time and talent at the Kahl Home where they assist with weekly and monthly events. Weekly events include crafts, bingo and a hospitality cart that travels to residents’ rooms each Tuesday. Residents can buy a variety of snacks and goods and also make requests for special items.


“We had one resident who wanted a specific brand of tissues,” Herter said. So the group had the tissues available the next week. “When they give us notes of what they want, we will get it for them.”

Monthly events include a cocktail party, birthday party that honors all individuals whose birthdays are that month, and a ladies’ luncheon. Catholic Service Board members also volunteer at the Kahl Home’s bazaar each year. This year’s event will be Oct. 22.

“We have been greatly blessed by our partnership with Catholic Service Board. Not only does the board donate its proceeds to us, but (members) volunteer their time,” said Rosalie Thomas, the Kahl Home’s administrator. The Kahl Home appreciates the items the board has donated, especially because of budget and funding cuts. Without the board’s volunteer service, some programs may not be held, she added.

Catholic Service Board supports other charities as well at Christmas, Herter said. “We give $1,000 here and there” to different charities that the board votes to fund.

Approximately 120 individuals are Catholic Service Board members and everyone is active; each member volunteers at Cinderella’s Cellar and helps out at the Kahl Home. “They are very committed. It’s holy work,” Herter said.

To learn more about Catholic Service Board or to become a member, contact Cinderella’s Cellar and leave a message at (563) 323-1923.

Cinderella’s Cellar information

Catholic Service Board operates Cinderella’s Cellar, a resale shop that supports The Kahl Home for the Aged and Infirm in Davenport. The shop, located at 230 35th St. in Davenport, is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. Its phone number is (563) 323-1923.

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