In reference to letters to the editor, I love Father Richard McBrien’s work. He did not denigrate the pontificate of John Paul II. John Paul himself denigrated it by his lack of diligence in dealing with the issue of clerical abuse and giving personal protection to one of the most infamous predators (former head of Legionnaires of Christ). These are facts — not biases. Fr. McBrien is a renowned historian whose scholarship is evident in so many critically acclaimed books he has authored. He is also a darn good columnist.
Letter writer Mary Doering got it partially right. However, Jesus chose MARRIED men to be his apostles. Is she supporting married men for the priesthood? The pope seems to do this in his offer to dissident Anglicans. A priest brings Christ to the world by word and in the sacraments. Why can’t a woman do that? After all, a woman was chosen to bring Christ into the world — Mary of Nazareth. As societies change, so do cultural realities. Some call it progress. How fitting it would be to ordain women who would emulate Mary. She and other women stuck with Jesus by the cross. A woman had the courage to check the tomb on Easter Sunday.
The “Restoring Honor” rally had many inspiring aspects. However, Glenn Beck and his message cannot be judged by one event alone. Beck urges all people who are subject to a parish (or diocese?) who foster “social justice” to flee from that parish immediately because it fosters Marxism, fascism and worse. The Davenport Diocese has always been at the heart of “social action.” I am surprised that the Messenger has not responded to Beck’s anti-social action diatribes.
Larry Mullins
Warminster, Penn.