Editorial on presidential religion appreciated


I thoroughly enjoyed Frank Wessling’s tongue-in-cheek editorial on presidential religion! 

We all know that a president’s religion, or absence thereof, is not in the constitutional job description for a president, and Christians know that Jesus instructed us not to “wear” our religion as a decoration for others to see.  Rather, Jesus said (Matthew 6:6) we were to go into our room, close the door, and then pray. 

Mr. Wessling’s editorial was a timely reminder that we, too, often are led to focus on meaningless externals, and miss the essentials. Jesus said that we are to love God with our whole being, our neighbor as ourselves, and that it is what we have done for “the least of these” that would be the basis of God’s ultimate judgment of us, not our bumper stickers, flag pins or speeches.

Glenn Leach


St. Ann Parish

Long Grove

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