Diocesan contributions to Haiti


The Diocese of Davenport has received a letter of appreciation for donations made to Haitian relief totaling $485,506.88. Of that total, $360,668.72 in funds was received from the Diocese of Davenport for the Special Haiti Relief Collection. The remaining $124,838.16 came from groups and individuals with ZIP codes in the Davenport Diocese.

Signing the letter were Coadjutor Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles, who chairs the USCCB Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America, and Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, who chairs the board of Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

They wrote: “we express our heartfelt thanks to you and your faithful for your contributions to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti after the devastating earthquake of Jan. 12, 2010 … your generosity has helped to raise $80,090,607.82 so far for the Special Haiti Relief Collection, making it the largest special collection of its kind in memory. Additional donations have brought the grand total to $143,343,522.41.”

The Church officials said the “Catholic Church was an important institution in Haiti before the earthquake and it will continue to play a significant role long into the future. Funds have been granted through the Subcommittee on Latin America for transitional parish centers so that faith communities can gather and be nourished by the sacraments. We have also provided transitional structures for the National Seminary so that the next generation of Haitian priests can continue their formation.”


A portion of the collection will also be used by the USCCB (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) to rebuild parish communities and church structures in a collaborative effort involving the Haitian Bishops’ Conference, the French Bishops’ Conference, the USCCB and CRS.

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