Where was concern for unborn babies?


We’re confused as to why Frank Wessling in his editorial was more concerned about protecting the right and dignity of women choosing to terminate their pregnancy by killing the innocent baby developing in their wombs. 

Where was his concern for the innocent baby in the mother’s womb? We know that when women see ultrasound image of their babies, they sometimes change their mind about terminating the pregnancies. Why wouldn’t any one of us be ecstatic about that possibility?

Wessling’s editorial says: “Some of the women who came to a Tulsa clinic for abortions the first day the law was in effect last week had tears in their eyes when they left, according to clinic staff. But none changed their minds.” This is hardly representative of a trend with the new law in Oklahoma since it’s one clinic on the first day and it’s reported by those doing the abortions.  We know clinics do abortions to make money.

We agree with his statement “men are left out of the abortion equation because there is no reasonably sure way to match this man with this pregnancy and thus haul him in to watch the ultrasound picture.” However, choices we make have consequences and the state of Oklahoma is trying to help women with an unwanted pregnancy not make more bad choices. For this we all should be grateful.  


We Catholics have been taught that murdering another is a serious sin against God and we’re happy any time states pass laws that could reduce the killing of the unborn.                       

Peg and Pat McCauley


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