Name: Fr. Maynard Brothersen
Age: 86
Years ordained: 62
Current assignment: Retired
How did you know you were being called to priesthood?
God’s way. I was told by my parents on Friday that I was going to St. Ambrose College and on Monday we were on our way to Davenport. By noon, I was enrolled at St. Ambrose for $250 a semester, including room, board and tuition. War was declared that year, and in my first semester of sophomore year every Friday we were sending schoolmates off to service.
We were all anxious about our future, but the seminarians, “churchies,” we called them, just seemed to know what they wanted. So I thought I would try it my second semester to see if I would like it. Well, after 62 years, I can say “I still like it.”
Aside from you ordination Mass, what was your most memorable Mass?
I concelebrated Mass with Pope John Paul II in his private chapel and met him after Mass.
What is the most rewarding about being a priest?
Being with people, especially when they are in need or want; instructing converts and preparing them for marriage; ministering to the sick.
What is most challenging about being a priest?
Cafeteria Catholics and parents who do not teach their children to pray.
What is your favorite Scripture passage?
Psalm 23, The Lord is my shepherd.
What is your hobby?
Motorcycling, being an ex-pilot and Wyoming cowboy.