CLINTON — Students in John Zimmerman’s Environ-mental Biology class at Ashford University will observe Earth Day by giving a presentation called “Earth Day in Perspective” on Thursday, April 22. The presentation, co-sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Clinton, will be held at The Canticle, 841 13th Ave. N., from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and is open to the public. Refreshments will be served during the discussion period following the presentation.
April 22, 2010 is the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day held in 1970, a day founded to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.
Topics to be discussed during the presentation include a brief history of Earth Day with global events and successes, some current environmental issues, what businesses can do and are doing to help the environment, and what the average American can do to help the environment.
Students helping with the presentation are Heather Hoge, Camanche; Brenda Jacobs, Camanche; Melinda Johnson, Sterling, Ill.; Ken Kusimba, Clinton; Mitch Ogle, Geneseo, Ill.; Floyd Powell, Decatur, Ill.; and Brittany Singroy, Minneapolis.
For details and directions to The Canticle, visit or call Sisters of St. Francis, (563) 242-7611.