Rally will teach youths more about faith


By Kaitlyn O’Leary

Every year the Diocese of Davenport holds a Junior High Youth Rally. This is an opportunity for middle school students to come together and learn about their faith and also have a lot of fun while participating in the rally.

This year’s rally is called “J-Walking: Journey with Jesus.” At the rally the students will learn that during their journey through life Jesus will always be by their side and that it is cool to “J-Walk.” 

This year’s speaker for the rally is Anne Marie Cribbin.  She is a renowned comedian and storyteller who captivates the members of the audience with her wonderful stories and experiences with God.

At the rally there are also breakout sessions that will talk about incorporating God into everyday life and may answer any questions that the students have about their faith.  I was lucky enough to participate in the first Junior High Rally as a seventh-grader and would encourage every middle school student to go. You learn more about your faith and that it truly is cool to be a Catholic teen. 


The rally is on March 21 and it is not too late to sign up. Contact your youth minister for any more questions about this year’s rally.

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