Pro-lifers to pray 40 days


By Anne Marie Amacher

The power of prayer sends a message about the reality of abortion, says Jeanne Wonio of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, which is hosting a concentrated prayer effort beginning Ash Wednesday.

40 Days for Life will take place Feb. 17 through March 28 across the United States, according to the Web site The event coincides with Lent and consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting, 40 days of peaceful vigil and 40 days of community outreach.

“We are praying that, with God’s help, this groundbreaking effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our cities and throughout America,” the Web site notes.

Participants in the Quad-City area will pray in front of the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Bettendorf, at home or in church, Wonio said.


The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, which offers a peaceful, prayerful presence throughout the week outside the clinic, will host the Quad-City-wide event.

“Individuals, churches, Bible studies and families can sign up to pray for an hour a week. They may pray in front of Planned Parenthood in Bettendorf or at home or in church. We are looking to get round-the-clock praying for 40 Days,” Wonio said.

“We pray for the conversion of those who work for the culture of death, especially those who work at the local abortion clinic. We pray for moms to carry their babies to term. We pray for dads to turn their hearts to their children. We also offer practical help to those going into Planned Parenthood. We offer the services of the Women’s Choice Center and post-abortion healing through Hope and Healing Ministries.”

Wonio encourages those living outside the Quad-City area to pray outside abortion clinics in other communities. She has an assortment of flyers and pamphlets that the group is willing to share with those who are interested. For more information or to sign up for an hour, call Wonio at (563) 355-4188. For more information on 40 Days for Life, visit

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