In Clinton, Lenten series on peace


For the fourth year, the Pax Christi group from Clinton’s Prince of Peace Parish is sponsoring “Peace Soup” — a discussion series held on the Wednesdays of Lent. This season’s series will be held in St. Boniface Hall, 2520 Pershing Blvd., Clinton. The next session is slated for March 3.

According to group chair Gabriela Egging, “We gather at 6 p.m. for a simple soup supper and then share a program. This year, we are focusing on poverty and the Gospel call to stand with the poor and marginalized. Each evening will open with shared reflection on the newest encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas et Veritate, which advocates the just distribution of the world’s resources. Everyone is welcome. All anyone need bring is an appetite for good conversation and good soup.”

On March 3, Ellen Fisher of Cedar Rapids will discuss international poverty, focusing on the special needs of women and children. Fisher is a representative of Bread for the World and Amnesty International and serves with the United Nations Association of Iowa.

On March 10, Deacon Art Donart of Thompson, Ill., will discuss the role of micro-financing in alleviating poverty at home and abroad including the impact of Fair Trade practices. Deacon Donart introduced the sale of Fair Trade coffee and cocoa to Prince of Peace Parish and several other agencies in the area.


On March 17, a panel of local persons who work with the impoverished of Clinton will address local conditions and ways of improving these situations. The panel includes Paula Mallory, Benevolent Society; Shawna Kent, Jefferson School; Reagan Michaelson, Information, Referral and Assistance Service; and Brian Galusha, assistant department chair, Clinton High School.

On March 24, Jim Ott, school psychologist with the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency, will conclude the series. Ott is actively involved in addressing issues related to poverty as a member of the Bridges Steering Committee and as a participant in Project Hope. He has facilitated “Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’ By World” groups for the past two years.

Details are available at and or by calling Prince of Peace Parish at (563) 242-3311. No registration required.

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