Growth emphasizes need for addition to building


Enrollment in kindergarten through eighth grade at JFK has increased by about 33 percent in five years, from 260 students to 345.

Preschool enrollment has gone from about 50-55 students to over 100.  With a total of about 450 students in the building, JFK is nearing its all-time high experienced in 1993.

Programming has also increased over the recent years.  There is an after school care program that serves nearly 20 percent of the K-8 student population, and an Early Childhood Learning Center that now offers year-round, full-day child care services, summer-only services, and day-by-day services during the school year. Summer programming at JFK, such as Vacation Bible School, summer band lessons, art camp and tutoring, reaches another 75 or more students. 

To help with the enrollment and programming growth, Our Lady of Victory’s “Growing Our Faith…Shaping Generations” capital campaign is raising funds for a building addition.  The $2.4 million campaign will provide funding for a gathering space addition to the church and a classroom addition and remodeling project to the school. With $1.27 million already collected, construction should begin this summer.


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