Column criticizing CCHD was propaganda


I was dismayed at the Quad City Times printing the L. Brent Bozell article Feb. 5 titled “Catholic funds promote abortion.”  I understand it is another opportunity for Catholic-bashing, but it gets tiresome.

Mr. Bozell’s Web site is called “creators,” and here he’s creating something based on lies, not truth.

Since Catholic Campaign for Human Development was created by the U.S. bishops, there has been vile hatred of the group and its annual collection from some quarters. You see, they work with poor people — to empower them. People in power don’t like that any more than they have, over the years, liked unions or any group that promotes human rights and justice. Despite this, the work for empowering the poor goes on and CCHD carefully reviews applications for funds. If they are used for anything contrary to Catholic teaching, or for partisan activity, the applications are withdrawn (or not taken in the first place). The CCHD follows the same guidelines as does our Vatican agencies that deal with other than Catholic-based groups.

My concern, since Mr. Bozell did not check his facts or sources for truth, is that we have just another instance of anti-Catholic propaganda.


Since the Supreme Court has assured us that corporations also are persons with freedom of speech, doesn’t it follow that nonprofit corporations also are persons who can sue for libel?  Maybe there’s an idea here for our bishops.

Father Ed O’Melia

St. Mary Parish, Davenport

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